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Help the bears be wild again!

Bilder aus dem Projekt:


ProPark Foundation for Protected Areas


175 Lunga Street, Brasov, Romania


7th grade


Kampagnen, Fotostories


Prejmer School, WWF Romania

Ziel der Aktion:

Our campaign is meant to draw attention of the general public towards the causes of death of the bear population in Romania. After a visit to the Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti and the virtual visit of the Bear Orphanage from the Hasmas Mountains, the children decided to make their voices heard and make a direct stand. Thus, we made a partnership with WWF Romania and worked on our own campaign to raise founds for the orphanage, by creating teddy bears from recycled materials and stuffed with lavender, that will be used as a fundraising campaign. The campaign will be part of an online series of episodes called "Heroes among bears" in witch the children will encourage adults to help give the orphan bears a chance of survival and to be reintroduced into the wild.


During the summer brake, we worked hand in hand with the children and developed a prototype of a teddy bear. Each member of the club helped draw, cut, sew, stick and accessories the teddy bear that will be used in the fundraising campaign, through the filmed episode with WWF Romania. The video will be filmed on the 7th of September and will be promoted through all the ProPark and WWF online platforms and Youtube channels.


At the moment all the teddy bears are finished and ready for the campaign. Although the video spot hasn't already been launched, we have multiple fans and supporters that are interested in buying the teddy bears and contributing on a monthly basis to the Orphanage needs. We will update this column once the episode will be launched.


It was an activity based on a lot of emotions and willingness to change. The children learned so many new information about the life of the animals and the dangers and threats that they face, and they became immediate ambassadors of for cause. They were very impressed the efforts of NGO's to help preserve these species and the amount of work and funds needed in order to bring up a orphan bear and release him into the wild. The activities were a very important lesson of responsibility of each action one takes, and the effects all of us have on nature. The children became more aware of their impact on nature and the importance of all small steps that each of us can take in order to change behaviors, no matter how small or big we are. Thus, through their small campaign, the children learned that even if you don't have all the means to help a cause, where there's a will, there's a way.


Since the activity was based on a lot of emotions and empathy towards the orphan bears, it was easy to develop this campaign even during the summer brake. The key element of help in order to make this workshop of teddy bears was the craft teacher from the school that helped guide the children and create beautiful and desirable teddy bears.
