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Teamwork for wildlife


Asociaţia pentru Conservarea Diversităţii Biologice ACDB


Petresti, Vrancea County, Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre


11-14 years


Experteninterviews, Planspiele

Eigener Aktionstyp:

exchange of experience


Bouros George - geographer, specialist in the conservation of biological diversity

Ziel der Aktion:

The action was aimed to connect two wildlife clubs for the purpose of forming a community, with shared experiences, that will inform the students about wildlife monitoring and develop an ecological thinking. The target group was represented by children from 2 wildlife clubs and students from another neighboring school.


The action came at the initiative of the partner - the Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre to organize the day of the open gates. It was a good opportunity to bring students from clubs close to the wildlife, and for the kids from the clubs it was an opportunity to share their experience with other children who did not attend to the clubs. The action started with ice breaking games, with the purpose to interact both the two clubs with each other and with the students outside the clubs. Then, our guest (geographer) taught them how to use a map to orient themselves in nature. This was done in a treasure hunt game, that took place in the nearby forest, where they had to find pictures of animal species using the map and instructions. Then, we introduced the wildlife monitoring equipment to the children and haved a simulation of using the equipment. Finally, we took a tour of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, where the children saw how the wild animals from the center are treated.


It was an interesting experience, in which we involved other specialists in the field of biological diversity conservation, with whom the children had not yet interacted. We had to manage a much larger number of children compared to regular club meetings, and fortunately we mobilized a large number of adults so that all children could benefit from attention, information and involvement.


I was glad that the members of the 2 clubs met, were able to share their impressions, work together, create new connections, friendships. It was funny to see that they were jealous of each other, when I was talking to those from the other club and that they were infiltrating the neighboring club to get the attention of the group. We were glad for them, because we finally managed to take them to nature, given how much they waited for this output to occur, and because they got in direct contact with the rehabilitation activities at the center.


I had the surprise that 2 students were lost in the forest during the treasure hunt game, although the forest was very small. If we redo the activity, we would insist on making sure that everyone understood the rules and that they respected them (how to interpret and use the map, not be separated from the group, etc.) and that they have a phone with them.
