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We are the WILD ones!

Bilder aus dem Projekt:


SCHUBZ Educational Centre for Sustainable Development


I.L.Caragiale Street No.7 Rasnov Brasov County Romania


11 - 17 years


Theater, Gedichte, Spiele, Planspiele


Zarand Association, Piatra Craiului National Park Administration, Romanian Wilderness Society, ACDB, Propark Foundation for Protected Areas

Ziel der Aktion:

The representatives of the 10 wildlife clubs from Romania got together in Rasnov for a three days experience of playing and working together, to prepare the message from the Romanian children for the German children and educators participating in the EDU-WILDLIFE Conference in September 2019.


10 children and their educators came with presentations in Romanian and in English showing the activities that happened during their wildlife club meetings this school year. Afterwards they all played games to get to know each other and participated in a role play featuring different stakeholders involved in the debate about large carnivores in Romania. This way different teams simulated actions to manage a forest acting from the point of view of hunters, tourism operators, local communities and conservation organisations. One full day was dedicated to understanding how to create and communicate a message. Children played games and talked about communication techniques and principles. They brainstormed potential messages to be communicated to the EDU-WILDLIFE Conference and, in the end, put together the best ideas in a short performance play, involving poetry, acting and staging. The educators accompanied the experience of the children and guided them to be open and show their talents and knowledge for the benefit of the group.


The group got a good energy, hour by hour and everybody was willing to show what they learned and to contribute to the common task.


" It was a very nice and interesting experience for me, as I learned many things, I learned how to communicate better and I made new friends" " We managed to create strong friendships ties during a very short time!" " The children were so smart and they showed confidence in sharing what they know." "I liked the stakeholders game, I liked building the model of a forest the way I wanted, it was very interesting."


It was the first time that the children met each other, so we had to give space to real and meaningful meetings to happen in order for the group to get a common energy.
