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Knowledge sharing through games and presentations

Bilder aus dem Projekt:


Administration of Piatra Craiului National Park


Toplita 150, Zarnesti 525100, Romania


6th grade pupils


Spiele, Fotostories


"Mitropolit Ioan Metianu" Theoretical High School from Zarnesti

Ziel der Aktion:

The activity was meant for sharing knowledge regarding the three large carnivores. The Wildlife Club members worked in smaller groups and prepared presentations, games, "Did you know?" sentences and even a contest for a class of 4th grade pupils. The activity was a great success and the 4th grade children were involved and curios to know more about the large carnivores. It wasn't a boring class due to the interactive way of transmitting the information.


The Wildlife Club members were accepted to participate in a sharing activity by their smaller colleagues, 4th grade pupils. The Wildlife Club members organized themselves in smaller groups and each group prepared an activity through which their knowledge, gained after all the meetings, was transmitted to the 4th grade children. The groups prepared power point presentations on the three large carnivores, games on the obvious thematic, contest and "Did you know?" sentences in order to inform and share all they have learnt during the meetings.


It was a great experience! It was a proud moment to see the serious involvement of the Wildlife Club members in the sharing activity and also because of the positive reaction of the 4th grade pupils. They were curious to see what their older colleagues prepared for them and they also proved through their reactions and answers that they are not out of the subject. They already had some knowledge regarding these three large carnivores.


As the coordinator of the Wildlife Club I can state that I was proud about how serious the members were in implementing the sharing activity. The members had some emotions, since they were the ones in the shoes of a teacher, but they surprised with the ideas they came up in order to teach differently.


Since the activity was successful we already talked about repeating it, so there are not too many things to be changed. Maybe the children should be more calm and comfortable when they "teach".
