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Living among wildlife

Bilder aus dem Projekt:


Asociația Zarand


Petris, Arad county





Eigener Aktionstyp:

Telling stories through drawing


School principal, community facilitator

Ziel der Aktion:

The action had the aim to encourage children to express their knowledge trough art. After discussing during 4 days about large carnivores, their importance in ecosystems and their interaction with humans, it was intend to see how children are seeing and they can express trough painting and drawing various situations between human and wildlife.


The art activity was divided in 2 parts: In first part, the children were divided in 3 small groups. Each group received a theme about large carnivores to describe by drawing without knowing what will draw the other team. First team had to describe a natural environment for large carnivores, the second had to draw a landscape where large animals are coexisting in peace with humans and the third drawing was meant to describe a place where exist problems between humans an large carnivores. When the drawings were done each group was presenting their piece and the other groups had to guess what it mean. At the end each group had to explain their drawings and to tell us what are the positives/ negatives points of view for each situation. In the second part of the activities each child received a cup that had to be painted with a representation of a natural element that represents each child the most. The children set their imagination free and painted various natural elements at the end explaining what meant to them the element chosen and how they feel connected to nature.


This activity was meant to give the children full freedom of expression witch made them very active and involved their tasks. Throughout the entire activity it was felt the playful high spirit in the air and even they were divided into groups and they could feel some competition, they were still willing to help each other and be helpful if somebody asked them.


Children were really involved in making their drawings and they divided their work so each team member did a part of it, proving that they can handle team work very well. I was also impressed by their involvement in the debate that appeared after the presentation of drawings. Human wildlife conflict is a sensitive topic to discuss in this community but the children were really open to debate and understand the importance of wildlife in their life.


Not all children had painting and drawing skills and it was more difficult for them to paint on glass but they managed to personalize their cups.
